350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Processing and the Analysis of the Data, Received at Visualization Angiogenesis in Intellectual Medical Information System
V.V. Shapovalov, A.G.Korestalev, V.S. Yankovskaya
Studying of processes angiogenesis in obstetrics and gynecology is necessary for understanding and treatment of following infringements and diseases: a gynecologic cancer, an endometriosis and a uterus myoma, placentary insufficiency, and also blood supply infringement ovaries. Angiogenesis consists of processes of proliferation, migrations of endothelial cells and tube formation. The main task is a creation of system for processing and visualization of the medical and biologic information, re-ceived at studying of processes of angiogenesis. The studying method of angiogenesis, based on supervision of migration of endothelial cells has been described. As integration of agrarian and industrial complex the Video Test Morphology with information system of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment, with a view of the scientific workings out, connected with creation of a uniform database for storage of received results of experiment with necessary diagnostic parameters which were accessible to all doctors of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment, interested in them has been spent. Research process in the laboratory begins with registration of the patient. At this stage the data is brought in medical information system about the patient. In the next stage is working directly with the prepared culture-layer, which is carried an empty strip of fixed width on the cell surface and take pictures wells. The size of a strip necessary for processing of results of the analysis in advance is brought in a database. Within 24 hours photographing of the holes by means of the agrarian and industrial complex hardware is carried out. By means of a program part of agrarian and industrial complex of a photo holes remain in a database of medical information system, and their preliminary processing is made. After processing of photos the data is exported to information system about width of the remained empty strip from cells (in pixels) and quantity of the migrated cells. Interface of inverted research microscope AXIO OBSERVER and agrarian and industrial complex of Video Test Morphology with intellectual medical information system allows bringing operatively the data of researches of angiogenesis in database of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment. As a result of preprocessing of results of researches, information support of decision-making of users - experts by an intellectual component at the first level is carried out. The offered way of data processing researches of angiogenesis, a method supervision of migration of endothe-lium cells, at interface of inverted research microscope AXIO OBSERVER and agrarian and industrial complex Video Test Morphology with intellectual medical information system gives the chance to apply for analysis the received results Data Mining tools and expert knowledge. The received facts and knowledge are transferred in a kernel of intellectual system for development of decisions. In offered two-level system the first level is responsible for support of decision-making by users-experts on a workplace at research of angiogenesis in the form of helps. The second level is intended for support of decision-making by research assistants at processing and the analysis of given results of researches of angiogenesis.
Pages: 27-33
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