350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Effect of EHF-Radiation on the Content of Proline in Sprouting Seeds of Barley
M.I. Kalje
esearches on studying of influence of EHF-radiation on process accumulation proline in sprouting seeds of barley (Hordeum distiehon L.) were carried out. Two generators of radiation PORT-ELM/NN which had 12 mWatt capacity on an exit, frequency of 61,2 GHz and PORT-ELM/NN capacity on an exit 30 mWatt, frequency of 53,56 GHz were utilized. In the process of this experiment the exposition of an irradiation 5, 10, 15, 30 minutes was applied, the distance from a source of radiation to object remained constant and was 20 centimeters.
The dynamics of accumulation proline received not linear dependence of from frequency and irradiation time. Radiation with frequency of 61,2 GHz rendered more express effect on accumulation proline barley seeds than radiation with frequency of 53,56 GHz.
The increase of maintenance of proline at influence of small doses of EHF-radiation can serve as display of the beginning of stressful reaction in reply to factor action. The reduction of maintenance of proline at longer exposition of EHF-radiation (61,2 GHz of 15 and 30 mines), probably, speaks the development of deep stress-reaction and it is connected with its expense on neutralization of active forms of oxygen.
Also it is possible to notice that the quantity accumulated proline under the influence of radiation had grown slightly. Therefore, it is possible to assume that EHF-radiation is small the stressful factor on force in investigated doses.
Pages: 45-48
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