350 rub

Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Application of Dynamic Correction of Activity of Sympathetic Nervous System in Treatment of Patients with Sensoneural Hearing Loss
sensoneural hearing loss
vegetative nervous system
dynamic correction of activity of the sympathetic nervous system
focused rotating spatially distributed field of current pulses
K.I. Kartashova, Kh.T. Abdulkerimov, V.S. Kublanov
The research shows some potentialities of the new way of noninvasive electro physical correction of acoustical function which provides improvement in brain blood circulation, including microcirculation and transcapillar ex-change in structures of an internal ear, as well as electro stimulation of an acoustical nerve. For this purpose we influenced cervical ganglions of sympathetic nervous system and mastoids with spatially distributed rotating field of electric impulses using the procedure of dynamic correction of activity of sympathetic nervous system.
The results of clinical research of the offered method for treatment of patients with chronic sensoneural hearing loss are given. Three groups of patients suffering from sensoneural hearing loss of II - IV degrees were treated with different methods: by means of medicamentous therapy according to the classical scheme, with the use of spatially distributed rotating field of electric impulses in projection of cervical ganglions of sympathetic nervous system and influence with this field in projection of cervical ganglions of sympathetic nervous system and masto-ids. In the second case, the medical course consisted of 10 procedures, in the third - of 5 procedures of influence in projection of cervical ganglions and 5 procedures in projection of mastoids. From the analysis of the results it follows that considering the change in the parameters of acoustical function (level of hearing according to audiometric parameters, noise level in ears, parameters of the automated auditory brainstem responses) and the condition of vegetative nervous system, defined with spectral characteristics of variability of the cordial rhythm, the new way of nonivasive electrophysical correction of acoustical function has the best characteristics and can be recommended for treatment-and-prophylactic establishments.
Pages: 11-15
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