350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Parameters of Nonlinear Analysis of Denoized Bioelectric Brain Activity Influenced by Combined Action of Nifedipinum and Electromagnetic Waves
A. V. Sidorenko, Yu. L. Leonchick
Extensive use of electromagnetic fields and waves affects practically all systems of a human organism. Prescription of pharmacological remedies for treatment of a patient or correction of the patent-s state poses a serious problem when the organism is subjected to electromagnetic waves. In this work as a pharmacological remedy we select Nifedipinum, widely used in medicine for treatment of cardiovascular diseases owing to its antihypertensive and antianginal effects. The millimeter-range electromagnetic waves were used for irradiation. Experimental investigations of the bioelectric brain activity were performed on white rats with the help of our specially developed information-measuring system. To reveal reactions of the organism and the associated variations in the electrocorticogram structure during the processing of bioelectric signals, noise in the signals analyzed was preliminary suppressed. The quantitative estimation of this effect is based on the directly-observed nonlinear parameters: correlation di-mension d, Kolmogorov eyntropy E, and dynamics of the alpha-rhythm intensity. The parameters were calculated according to the Grassberger-Procaccia algorithm and with the use of the traditional spectral correlation method. Using the nonlinear delayed-coordinate method and preliminary noise suppression for the bioelectrical brain activity of experimental animals, we have observed lowering of a correlation dimension of the restored electrocorticograms as compared to the initial ones. Dynamics of the Kolmogorov entropy E is more complex. The Kolmogorov entropy remains practically invariable under the effect of Nifedipinum. The action of microwaves in addition to Nifedipinum leads to lowering of the dynamic system stability. When the action time was increased from 2 to 10 minutes, the Kolmogorov entropy was growing by more than 30% relative to the control value. Subsequent switching-off of microwaves resulted in greater stability of the system. For the traditional analysis method, a positive effect of Nifedipinum and microwaves was associated with an in-crease in the alpha-rhythm intensity of the initial and restored electrocorticograms. In this way the nonlinear delayed-coordinate method with the preliminary noise suppression by the wavelet trans-formation makes it possible to reveal the organism reactions and fine structural variations of the analyzed electro-corticograms subjected to the combined effect of Nifedipinum and electromagnetic waves by the correlation di-mension and Kolmogorov entropy.
Pages: 37-44
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