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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
Thermal Imaging Control of Eyes State of Patients After Cataract Phacoemulsification
D.A. Usanov, A.V. Skripal, T.G. Kamenskih, E.S. Sumarokova, A.A. Sagaidachnyy, N.R. Lopatinskaya
Possibilities of a method of comparative control of an eyeball state at various eye illnesses before operation and in the postoperative period. Method is based on thermal imaging registration of closing - opening eyelids process. For two groups of patients thermal imaging measurements have been realized in three stages - before cataract phacoemulsification, and after one for the first and third days. The difference of average cornea temperature of two eyes has been used as comparison parameter. Measurements were carried out during closing - opening eye-lids process. It has allowed carrying out the control of eyeball state not only using average temperature values, but also dependences of temperature vs test time. Researches have shown that to increase of accuracy of the temperature control of sclera and cornea it is necessary to carry out dynamic thermal imaging registration of full blinking acts and to spend measurements in the end of the blinking before the next closing process, at the moment of stabilization of temperature of an eyeballs surface. Features of measurements process allows to realize contactless conjunctiva temperature measurements and new methods of diagnostic and control of eyes state can be developed on the basis of its. On the base on thermal imaging researches the bigger efficiency of anti-inflammatory eye drops of "Oftaquix" in comparison with often used drops of "Cipromed" has been shown. The method, allowing carrying out the comparative control of an eyeball state is offered at various eye illnesses before operation and in the postoperative period that leads to increase of objectivity of process of diagnostics of an eyeballs postoperative inflammation at an early, subclinical stage. Thus, possibilities of using of dynamic thermal imaging method for the control of eyes state including analysis of time dependences of temperature in the course of carrying out of the natural loading test have been shown.
Pages: 8-12
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