350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №9 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Mathematical Analysis of Oxygen Blood Mass Transfer Proces
Т.V. Matjushev, V.K. Stepanov, M.V. Dvornikov, I.V. Buhtijarov
The given work is devoted a substantiation and working out of algorithms of calculation of separate components of system, including mass transfer by oxygen blood. The algorithm of calculation of experimentally established dependences has been developed for achievement of the specified purpose, reflecting change of physical and chemical properties of blood in the course of carrying over О2. For an estimation of results of research settlement values are compared with the data received under formulas of other authors and theoretical curves, presented in known references. The decision of tasks in view passed stage by stage. The decision of the first problem of working out of algorithm of calculation of carrying over О2 developed of two stages: findings-out of a general view of the empirical formula and specification of factors of the chosen formula. At the decision of the second problem we defined conformity of the received results to experimentally established theoretical dependences reflecting change of physical and chemical properties of blood The analysis of results of comparison of settlement curves with theoretical curves has shown that data of settlement algorithm will well be coordinated with approximation of a theoretical curve. The algorithm reflects real physical process, which along with sufficient accuracy is its big advantage. Physiological self descriptiveness and biophysical validity of the developed algorithm of calculation mass transfer with blood О2 is confirmed with following positions: An S-shaped kind of curve dissociation hemoglobin calculated on the developed algorithm; The developed algorithm, considers influence partial pressure of carbonic gas upon curve dissociation hemoglobin; Sufficient coincidence of size, curve dissociation hemoglobin with theoretical saturation curve.
Pages: 21-28
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