350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №7 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Measurement and Updating of Size of a Magnetic Induction in Magnetotherapeutic Devices
S.G. Gurzhin, M.B. Kaplan, S.V. Nikitin
The question of updating of a configuration of a magnetic field influencing the patient in magnetotherapeutic devices by means of a minimum quantity of additional gauges is considered.
Pages: 10-15
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  4. AA and AB-Series Analog Sensors // www.nve.com/Downloads/analog_catalog.pdf
  5. ETRX2 ZigBee module. Product manual. // www.telegesis.com/downloads/general/TG-ETRX2-PM-001-107.pdf
  6. ETRX2USB USB stick. PRODUCT MANUAL // www.telegesis.com/downloads/general/TG-ETRX2USB-PM-004-103.pdf.