350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Quanum-Mechanical Approaches to the Description of the Processes Responsible for Display of the RNA-Interference Effect
L.S. Martseniuk
In work the theoretical analysis of the processes resulting to post-transcriptional gene silencing at introduction in cellular system of alien molecule RNA, homological to this gene (effect of the RNA -interference). The analysis is lead from a position of well developed theory of the interference phenomena in quantum systems to which biological cellular structures belong also. The sharp orientation on homological sequences of molecule RNA entered into a cell to corresponding gene and also high sensitivity of cellular system on appearance in cytoplasm environment of duplexes - dsRNA specifies on resonant character of processes occurring at the RNA -interference. Really, there are enough occurrences in cytoplasm of all of several molecules dsDNA that the mechanism of the RNA-interference was started. Therefore the basic attention in this work is spared consideration of quantum resonant processes in cellular system. It is shown, that the leading part in occurrence of the resonant phenomena belongs to system of hydrogen communications as the most weak and, by virtue of it, the most sensitive to signals of an external electric field. At hit in cytoplasm of forein molecules RNA, electric signals from this molecule are registered by site DNA on which there is homological to this molecule a gene, and are transferred in system of hydrogen communications. The proton passes to higher level from which it cans tunneling in the next quantum hole. As a result of it excitation is transferred to the parallel chain of a site of molecule DNA. Under certain conditions, described in the submitted work, occurrence of quantum resonant transitions is possible. The assumption that just the same processes being consequence of occurrence in the cellular environment of forein RNA, and can be responsible for formation dsDNA, being by a key linking in the start of mechanism of the RNA-interference. It is underlined also interrelation of all cellular systems, participating in realization post-transcriptional gene silencing and the waters, that is caused by presence at water systems of the hydrogen communications connecting molecules of water in water complexes. Such interrelation is found out in the spectra of the EHF-resonant interaction which have been taken off from fabrics of an alive organism (СПЕ-effect).
Pages: 41-48
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