350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №6 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
The Wave Bioenergetic Hypothesis and its Proofs
V.A. Malichev
The proofs of implementation of author suggested bioenergetic hypothesis: - Energetic supply of biological, specifically synthesis processes in living organisms is produced with electromagnetic waves, induced inside the organism at decay of products of their nutrition, due to energy of atoms and molecules of these products, and the decay is induced with previously formed waves. At synthesis processes each atom and molecule (of living or vegetable organism) by their chemical properties are not single atom or molecule but series of different atoms and molecules depending on type and level of excitation in which they are every moment of time under electromagnetic waves influence - are adduced. The proof contains experimental facts: 1. Cell community of vegetable and living organisms says about the same mechanism of energetic supply of biological processes in both organisms. 2. Effects of condensation and induced decondensation of electromagnetic waves energy, occurring in quantum electronics devices (especially in excimer lasers), indicate about possibility of their implementation in vegetable and living worlds, that experimentally proved. 3. Known effects of bio radio contact, people manipulation, remote thoughts reading, hypnotic and extrasensory effects prove the hypothesis as well. 4. Effects of photochemistry, laser and excimer chemistry proves the truth of second part of the hypothesis.
Pages: 19-21
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