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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №5 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Lithokinetic Therapy with Sonic Stimulation of Urinary Tract and Alfa-Adrenoblocers
S.P. Seregin, A.V. Novikov, L.V. Starodubceva, A.G. Kocar
One is the most widespread diseases of upper urinary tract is urolithiasis, dues development complex forms of pyelonephritis. The concrement and inflammatory process have complex relations, what is provides mutual progression, troubles treatment, makes worse condition of patient. It demandes certainly removing concrement from ureter. There was made analysis of cases of urolithiasis during 2007-2008 year among patients who received an inpatient care in urology department of Kursk Emergancy Hospital. Made clear, that is more often applied method of treatment such patients is lithokinetic therapy, which used how first method and after lithotripsy in 846 people. Traditional treatment regimen includes spasmolytics (No-shpa, Drotaverine, Baralgin), herbal drugs (Kanefron, Cyston, Urolesan), diuretic herbs, water loading, uroseptics, physiotherapy (intraphon). Made evaluation of results of treatment. Positive results were counted move out of concrements in terms foreseen medical standart (21 days) and absence of complications (persistent recurrent pain syndrome, pyelonephritis). How appeared, positive results of treatment were reached only in 56,5% of patients. Were suggested original treatment regimen of patients with concrements of ureter, when traditional scheme of treatment was completed with sonic stimulation and alfa-adrenoblocers (invention certificate №2008105172 from 11.02.08.). This method of treatment means appointment of alfa-adrenoblocers, then over three hours conducted first showing of sonic stimulation on the projection of kidney with sonic waves "swing" range from 2,0 to 3,5 kHz, that allowes to make restoration of broken function of organ without individual adjustment of frequency. Sonic ripplings modulate rate of low- frequency pulses about 60Hz., that feels by patients as local vibration. Stimulation provides during 15 minutes. Second showing - over 4-5 hours. Course of treatment- 5-7 days. Using the suggested method let,s reach combination three additional therapeutic factors: influence sonic stimulation, local vibration and alfa-adrenoblocers. To define of efficacy of this method of treatment made comparative investigations in two group of patients, which had received treatment in traditional and original methods. Made clear, that using of our suggested method raises efficacy of treatment to 85%, reducing time of removing of concrement in two times. It,s allowes authors to recommend this using in wide clinical practice.
Pages: 56-58
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