350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Principles of Synchronization and Modulation of Physiotherapeutic Influences by Endogenous Rhythms of Organism
biological rhythm
the shaper
physical factor influence
Magomedov D.A., Magomedsaidova S.Z.
The principles of synchronization and Modulation of Physiotherapeutic Influences by Endogenous Rhythms of Organism. For this purpose of organization of endogenous rhythms of organism are investigated and determined, the classification of total physiotherapeutic equipment with regard to localization of therapeutic effect on organism is carried out, the features of methods of synchronization and modulation of physical factor influence on each class are revealed. As an example two devises are offered on the development of which the principles of synchronization and modulation of physical influence with endogenous rhythms of each patient are used
Pages: 59-64
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