350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №3 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Conjugated Spatial Static and Dynamic Scene Analysis During Pre-Inspection in Transurethral Prostate Resection
Khafizov R.G., Dubrovin V.N., Tretyakova Y.E.
Transurethral prostate resection to cure non-malignant hyperplasia is complicated because prostate capsule is invisible for a surgeon. The surgeon can only observe urethra inside the gland. However, a preoperative examination of the patient is carried out with computer tomography. Thus there exists the possibility of 3D-model reconstruction for subsequent use during operation. Spatial static scene formation is based on the planimetric analysis of the tomogram of pelvis organs that contain prostate image. Thus three dimension images of prostate and urethra inside it are reconstructed. Dynamic scene is formed with images registered by a video camera attached to the resectoscope and presents the trajectory of it motion. Spatial trajectory tracing come to solution of a problem of the same name objects search in dynamic varying scene. Thus resectoscope motion both within plane (up, down, left, right) and forward-backward are regarded. The algorithm is realized with correlation extreme method in conjunction images scale variation. During the investigation performed verification of algorithm effectiveness. Absolute error of displacement estimate depending on a root-mean-square deviation of brightness noise is calculated. The result of a trajectory tracing of resectoscope motion on 3D-model of prostate image is presented
Pages: 13-20
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