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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Rеsearches Experiense of a Person's Adaptation in the Conditions of Mountain Areas
Y.I. Senkevich, M.A. Аl-Rumaima
Experience of the decision of the scientific problem of health care of the people in climatic condition of Antarctic highcomountain is presented. The Results are worked out using specially designed automated information system of the telemedical monitoring of the functional condition of the person in extreme condition. The Technical base of the remote monitoring was a telemedical system Arctic and Antarctic Research Institute. Electrocardiogram, arterial pressure, biorhythms, maximum muscular effort, velocities to simple motor reaction, the temperature of the body, valued subjective condition were measured and mentally condition tested by MMPI method. Simultaneously were fixed the geophysical observations: time-average of day factors, maximum and minimum geomagnetic activity at the time of measurements mental parameter climber. One result of the operative processing telemetry data to manage installing the functional conditions a climber, which were interpreted as detours from rates with possibility of the local adjustment by physician of the command that has allowed in good time to warn a disease and coming the crisis of the fati-gue. In the course of experiment were valued psyhophysiologist and current functional condition, adaptation reserves of the organism, level to physical capacity to work and on this base to work out optimum drilling mode.
Pages: 63-66
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