350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №11 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Automated Analysis of Hospital Infections
E.V. Sadykova
The article is about the developed hospital bacteriologist decision support system (DSS) that provides automated pacients analitical research data analysis, hospital infection (HI) control and hospital epidemiologic situation control decision-making. Hospital infection prognosis can be made based upon the results of bacteriological research. First part of the article is about the system logical level development. HI epidemiological control functional-organisational structure is developed that includes a clinicist, an epidemiologist, a pharmacologist and a bacteriologist interaction contour with decision-making support based upon DSS "BakLab" results. An infectious disease model is considered in case of disease expansion among susceptible pacients group but without their removal off the population for death, isolation or recovery. Second part of the article is about DBMS for laboratory bacteriologist DSS physical structure development. Developed algorithms and software description is presented, bacteriologist DSS "BakLab" testing is analysed. CASE made in DBMS Cache (InterSystems) was used for development of bacteriologists DSS. Using CASE-technology to built a bacteriologist DSS including structured bacteriological research electronic registers, permit to increase efficiency of HI evolution data analysis due to additional HI infection data traffic. HI evolution prognosis in bacteriologist DSS must consider special organizational functional algorithm of experts interaction in the control system and informational flows formed by structured bacteriological research register. A bacteriologist expert decision support system is developed for microbiological research registration, electronic journaling, reporting, quality control realization and inner hospital infection prognosis.
Pages: 57-62
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