350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Model of Psychical Activity Estimation of the Person
computer model
mental/psychological activity
the theory of functional systems
the intelligence detector
К.В. Sudakov, E.A. Umrjuhin
The computer model of mental activity estimation of the person, named «The Intelligence Detector», is con-structed on the basis of the theory of functional systems offered by P.K.Anokhin. Functional systems of mental activity on P.K.Anokhin include cerebral internal architectonics, uniting consistently developed stages: afferent synthesis, decision-making, a prediction result - an acceptor of results of action - and a constant estimation an acceptor of action results of parameters of the results reached by the subject by means of return afferentation. «The Intelligence Detector» reproduces the system intellectual processes developed at achievement by the person set of results. The structure of computer model «The Intelligence Detector» is resulted. The presented model is logic and mathematical and describes only information copies of system activity of a brain of the person. Operations and the mechanisms realized by means of computer model are listed.
Results of preliminary tests for estimation of working capacity, self-training possibility are considered at different values of parameters of computer model of system stages of mental activity of the person.
The conducted researches have shown that the model with the chosen optimum values of parameters could be used for an estimation of deviations of individual behaviour of examinees from optimum, i.e. could be used as «The Intelligence Detector».
In optimum behaviour of model there was the best for the set environment the account starting and afferentation that defined successful achievement of the set results by it in different block. Difference of a choice of actions by examinees from their optimum choice model has allowed to find out in examinees of a deviation in the account of this or that a component afferentation from its use in a choice of actions by model. At regular discrepancy of a choice of actions by the examinee and model in each block of the program the conclusion about infringement of the account starting or afferentation at such examinee became.
The resulted examples illustrate possibility of definition by means of model «The Intelligence Detector» individual characteristics of realization of system stages of mental activity at different people. Comparison of a choice of actions by the concrete examinee with a sample choice of actions by model can be used for diagnostics of infringements in work of those or other system stages of mental activity of various individuals. In the spent researches it has been established that character of realization of central system stages of mental activity at different examinees in the conditions of the used test problem is enough steady their individual characteristic which is reproduced at testing repetition in a year and more.
Pages: 71-78
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