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Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Distant Alteration of Water Electrical Activity in Correlation with Changes in EEG of Tested Persons Under the Influence of Emotionally "Pleasant" and "Unpleasant" Music
K.V. Sudakov, V.A. Gumenyuk, E.N. Dudnik, I.I. Korobeinikova
Our previous investigations revealed a distant effect of emotionally experienced music on water electrical activity. The aim of the present investigation is to state in what degree distant changes of water electrical activity correspond to the EEG changes of tested persons when they listen to pleasant and unpleasant music. The tested with closed eyes were listening to fragments of musical compositions which they valued as emotionally "pleasant" or "unpleasant". To exclude possible effects of musical preferences - a medical resonance therapeutic music (MRTM) of Peter Hubner was used The tested valued three fragments of that music according to the 5 measuring on the scale: "pleasant" (maximum) and "unpleasant" (minimum). While listening to the fragments of music EEG of tested with closed eyes (40s) in the state of wake (background). were registered. Additionally potentials between electrodes in Petri dish with water and patients situated at a distance of 3 meters from the dish were investigated. As a result two parts of the same changes in registration of distant water electrical activity and EEG of tested persons in delta diapason: during the last minutes of "unpleasant" music phonation as well as under replacement of "pleasant" fragment of music with "unpleasant" one were revealed.
The received coefficients of cross-correlation dependence between dynamics of water electrical activity and brain electrical activity testify to the fact that there is a functional interaction. In the basis of possible mechanisms of such distant interactions and electrophysiological parameters of brain activity of tested could be resonance effects, at that, the phenomenon of distant interaction appears under discretely changing emotional human state and in our case under negative emotional background and has a particularly individual character and most likely is determined by different psychoemotional state of tested in the process of presentation to them subjectively "pleasant" and "unpleasant" music.
Pages: 67-70
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