350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Research of Slow Hemodynamics Oscillations During Bioadequate Electromagnetic Stimulation for Patients with Obliterating Atherosclerosis of Bottom Extremities Arteries
P.V. Luzhnov, L.A. Shamkina, S.I. Shchukin, E.A. Alekseeva, V.M. Koshkin
Now problems of diagnostics, treatment and rehabilitation of patients with the vessels diseases are actual in connection with wide prevalence of chronic diseases of bottom extremities vessels. Bioadequate electromagnetic stimulation (BEMS) renders the expressed therapeutic effect at diseases of vessels of the bottom extremities. The quantity of patients with vascular diseases of the bottom extremities grows every year that makes a problem of microcirculation change research during therapy by an actual problem. In this work microcirculation changes are considered with use of slow hemodynamicses oscillations (SHO) parameters for patients with for patients with obliterating atherosclerosis of bottom extremities arteries (OAABE) during course of bioadequate electromagnetic therapy. SHO was determined with the help of methods reovasography (RVG) and laser-Doppler flowmetry (LDF). With the help of the inverse Fourier transform spectral components of blood-groove rhythm is estimate and maximum amplitude of a power-density spectrum for oscillations in diagnostic frequency range are determined. Patients with OAABE II stages was included in research group. For procedures of BEMS the mixed mode of one was used as therapeutic stimulation. Analysis of SHO parameters changes during a session and course of BEMS for patients with OAABE II stages during mixed mode BEMS was carried out. The estimation of RVG and LDF signals spectrum has shown, that all patients under the action of BEMS endothelial index has decrease, neurogenic and myogenic components of RVG signal has marginal reduction, and also decrease of shunting index. Myogeneic and neurogenic tone parameters of LDF signal increase and a shunting index decrease that is evidence of microcirculation improvement after bioadequate electromagnetic stimulation.
Pages: 51-55
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