350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Features of Fingerprints Control Points for Personal Identification
E.V. Sologub, I.N. Spiridonov, G.L. Voronin
The decision of killed identification problem is a task of medicolegal service. Among existing methods of person identification the most widespread are: molekuljarno-genetic methods, methods of blood type investigation and method of dermatoglyphic researches.
The method of dermatoglyphic researches, based on uniqueness of skin patterns and its stability in due course, is the least expensive, does not require long researches.
Rakitin V. A, Scherbakov V.V., etc. for the first time have offered a way of killed body identification by using dermatoglyphic signs of hands and feet fingers, palms and soles. Killed body identification is carrying out by comparison of dermatoglyphic signs and his potential relatives. The result of this analysis is the decision of their relationship.
Ökrös S., in his individualizing technique of paternity proof, has offered a number of identifying signs among which are control points of fingerprint. Control points are used by criminalists for more than 20 years for person identification.
Control points of fingerprint (minutiae) are friction ridge characteristics, occurring at a point where a single friction ridge deviates from an uninterrupted flow, that is used to individualize a fingerprint. There are about 70 control points in one fingerprint. It is considered to be that in fingerprints of different people there can be identical global signs, but the pattern of control points is unique.
For a quantitative estimation of the value control points a number of researches was carried out. These results show that more often than others are the beginning and the ending (48,5 %), bifurcation (33,5 %) are slightly more rare, the fragment papillary lines and a point (10,4 %), hooks (4,3 %), islets (2,4 %), bridges (1 %) is even more rare. Coding of control points by means of two basic types - the beginning/ending and bifurcation is offered.
For the numerical description of control points it is offered to use the function establishing interrelation between a direction papillary of lines in a vicinity of control points with their type, location and orientation.
The offered classification of control points allows to solve problems of person identification on control points of fingerprints. Later on a complex of control points parameters for the decision of various medical problems is planned to form.
Pages: 45-50
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