350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Working Out of Projects of Techniques of Testing and Tests for Definition of Professional Competence (Suitability) of Military People with Reference to Various Categories and Groups of Posts of Military Service
G.I. Semikin, G.A. Mysina, A.D. Suhodrovsky
The object of the work is the system of the psychological support of taking decisions in personnel questions concerning appointing officers to the posts in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The aim of the work is the increase of efficiency of work of personnel bodies by means of the psychological support during appointing officers to the military posts in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. The subject of the work are the methods of research and analysis of the psychological, social-psychological and psychophysiological qualities of personality of a military chief. During the work there were applied the following methods of research: the system analysis of the state of the psychological support of taking decisions in personnel questions, regulatory environment, expert estimation. In the course of the work the following researches were carried out: - the research of the existing approaches to the psychological support of taking decisions in personnel questions with account taken of reforming the military service; - the critical analysis of the existing situation in the sphere of the psychological support of taking decisions in personnel questions in the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation; - the comparative analysis of methodological approaches to the professional psychological selection in armies of the leading foreign countries; - on the basis of the existing well-known methods of studying of psychological qualities of personality there was chosen a conception and worked out the methodology of the psychological support of taking decisions in personnel questions; - the adequate structure of positions for all branches of Armed Forces was formed; - a model of a detector was worked and performed - a computer-based psychophysiological complex with sensors registering changes of vegetative functions of the cardio-vascular system.
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