350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №10 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Complex of Electroretinographic Parameters for Diabetic Retinopathy Early Researches
S.V. Rezvykh, I.N. Spiridonov, I.V. Tsapenko, M.I. Grinchenko, M.V. Zueva
According to World Health Organization data 180 million people are suffered from diabetes around the world. Diabetic retinopathy is a leading cause of adult blindness and is the most common complication of diabetes. It affects more than 90% of people with diabetes, ultimately leading to retinal edema, neovascularization, and vision loss in some patients. There are 4 stages of diabetic retinopathy: diabetes without diabetic retinopathy, nonproliferative, preproliferative, proliferative diabetic retinopathy.
At present diabetes investigation are provided by analysis of ophthalmoscopic and fluorescent angiography images and electroretinographic signals.
Electroretinography provides an objective measure of the loss of retinal function in affected eyes. In the clinic it is a powerful diagnostic tool employed to assess the physiological integrity of the retina. Electroretinographic parameters are a quantitative measure of all retinal dysfunctions.
There are two classes of electroretinographic parameters: contour parameters and indexes. Too many factors influence at the values of contour parameters, such as different type of electrode or intersession variability. Zueva and Tsapenko have shown electroretinographic indexes correlate with diabetes manifestation.
In presented work a new complex of electroretinographic parameters was proposed. There are 14 contour parameters and 3 indexes. The data for each parameter was analyzed and the statistical significance of the data was calculated using the F test. Receiver operation characteristic (ROC) analysis was performed by computer on the amplitude and implicit time of all parameters. The sensitivity and specificity was calculated.
The new index Kg is the best marker for early diabetic retinopathy evaluation. The effectiveness of complex of electroretinographic parameters was shown.
Pages: 11-17
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