350 rub
Journal Biomedical Radioelectronics №1 for 2009 г.
Article in number:
Experimental Researches of Physical and Chemical Influences and Low Intensive Radiation of a Millimetric Range on Blood Circulation in Organs of Abdominal Cavity
Gromov M.S., Aleksandrov D.A., Tarasenko V.S., Sinitsyn N.I., Elkin V.A., Skorokhod A.M., Aleksandrova K.A., Tataurov A.V.
According to one of enough proved theories diseases of organs of abdominal cavity are associated with infringements of microcirculation first of all. The ischemia and the subsequent reperfusion causes liberation proinflammatory mediators, disbalance between NO and endotheline, activation of free radicals of oxygen (СРК) and antioxydant insufficiency. Infringements of venous outflow, in particular, increase portal pressure, also very important. The purpose of researches: to estimate opportunities of influence by accessible physical and chemical methods and low intensive radiation of a millimetric range on haemocirculation in organs of abdominal cavity of experimental animals with acute pancreatitis, trauma of pancreas or chronic alcohol intoxication. Materials and methods: Work is executed on 355 white laboratory rats of Wistar line, and 27 not purebred dogs in strict conformity with regulating documents. Pressure of blood in portal system of animals estimated by means of a tonometer of low pressure «Triton ТН 01». Microcirculation in organs of abdominal cavity investigated laser Doppler flouometer (the semi-conductor laser with length of a wave 635 nanometers and the maximal capacity of radiation 15,0 mW). Studied opportunities of influence on haemocirculation in pancreas by sandostatin, regional anesthesia, low intensive radiation of a millimetric range (near to frequencies 53,5 GHz, 61 GHz and 65 GHz, density of capacity of 1-10 mcW/sm2). Results of experimental researches: It is shown, that at acute pancreatitis, to a trauma of a pancreas parameters blood circulation authentically change. A chronic alcoholic intoxication, long application inhibitors of proton pomp and a combination of these conditions it is statistically significant reduces perfusion in a pancreas, a stomach and a duodenum. Regional anesthesia and sandostatin authentically reduce portal pressure. For the first time it is revealed, that low intensive radiation of a millimetric range depending on used frequency can noticeably reduce or increase parameters of perfusion in organs of abdominal cavity. It testifies that use of millimetric waves of low intensity opens opportunities of the directed correction of microcirculation in organs of abdominal cavity. The last is especially important in clinical practice.