D.S. Polozhentsev1
1 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
1 pds6476564@yandex.ru
Angular position sensors based on sine-cosine rotating transformers are widely used at critical technical systems. Systematic error components negatively affects the quality of operation of devices that include such a sensors, however, software compensation for systematic error components can reduce the error in angular position measurement. Due to changes in environmental factors, the nature of the harmonic components of the error may also change, as a result of which various types of calibrations of the sensor are required for current operating conditions, at the same time, the device that includes the sensor, as a rule, does not have the ability to perform their regular functions. To develop a method for continuous calibration of angular position meters based on sine-cosine rotating transformers during their regular operation. The method for continuous calibration of an angular position sensor made on the basis of a sine-cosine rotating transformer during its operation is described. The importance of conducting such studies from the point of view of improving the technical characteristics of angular velocity control systems is substantiated. The main mathematical dependencies are presented that describe the systematic component of the error in measuring the angular position. An analysis of known methods for compensating for systematic error components is presented and their main disadvantages are shown. A description of the methodology that ensures continuous calibration of the angular position sensor is given, the main problems and features associated with determining the readiness status of data for calculations are also shown, and ways to solve this problem are proposed. The introduction of continuous calibration into the operation of such angular position sensors is of great importance, since it allows continuous monitoring of their performance and accuracy in real time, reduces the need for maintenance, which is often very expensive and time-consuming, and at the same time ensures stable measurement accuracy and high reliability of the device, which includes the sensor.
Polozhentsev D.S. Method of continuous calibration of an angular position sensor based on a sine-cosine transformer during regular work. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 8. P. 19–25. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202408-04
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