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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2024 г.
Article in number:
Monolithic integrated circuit LNA 5–10 GHz
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202407-07
UDC: 621.375.026

D.V. Kantuk1, S.I. Tolstolutskiy2, K.A. Khara3

1–3 FSUE «RNIIRS» (Rostov-on-Don, Russia)

1 Kantyuk_dv@mail.ru, 2 tolstolutsky_si@mail.ru


One of the features of the current stage of development of microwave electronics is the widespread use of monolithic integrated circuits. The interest of radio-electronic equipment developers in MIS is caused not only by better microwave characteristics compared to modules made using hybrid technology, but also by economic feasibility, ease of setup and reproducibility of parameters of finished products. An integral part of the transmitting and receiving paths of such systems are MMICs of low noise amplifiers. The goal of the work is to implement a matched MIC microwave low-noise amplifier with operating frequencies from 5 to 10 GHz with a noise figure of at least 1.2 dB and a gain of at least 20 dB. To develop an amplifier with operating frequencies up to 10 GHz, technology with a design standard of 0.25 microns was chosen. To meet the requirements, a two-stage circuit with automatic bias was selected. The widths of the transistors were selected taking into account the analysis of the minimum achievable noise figure and the balance between current consumption and output power. The autobias of the first stage is organized using an inductor. This solution allows not only to set the required DC mode, but also ensures input matching of the amplifier. The second stage is covered by negative feedback, which has a positive effect on the stability of the amplifier and its output matching. The amplifier supply voltage is 5 V, while resistors in the DC filter circuits set the required voltage value at the drain of each stage. Based on electrodynamic analysis, a topology was synthesized and an MIC was manufactured in the form of a gallium arsenide crystal 1.8 x 1.8 mm in size and 100 μm thick. An experimental study of manufactured LNA samples showed that in the frequency range from 5 GHz to 10 GHz the noise figure does not exceed 1.2 dB, while the minimum gain in the operating band is 21 dB. Characteristics of the amplifier has good temperature stability. The main parameters of the manufactured microcircuit are at the level of parameters of foreign analogues.

Pages: 68-74
For citation

Kantuk D.V., Tolstolutskiy S.I., Khara K.A. Monolitic integrated citcuit LNA 5–10 GHz. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2024. V. 78. № 7. P. 68–74. DOI: https://doi.org/10.18127/j20700784-202407-07 [in Russian]

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Date of receipt: 30.05.2024
Approved after review: 10.06.2024
Accepted for publication: 20.06.2024