S.A. Bagretsov1, V.M. Kaluga2, S.G. Vorona3, O.V. Utochkin4
1–4 Military Space academy named after A.F. Mozhaisky ( Russia, Saint-Petersburg)
1–4 vka@mil.ru
The effectiveness of the work of a group of operators of complex technical control systems in conditions of substitution of one of them necessary for various factors of influence is considered. The variants of allocating a leading operator in the group, ensuring the redistribution of tasks of the retired operator, based on the qualifications of the specialists interacting with him (a variant of rigid specialization) and a variant of free redistribution of tasks without taking into account the qualifications of the specialists interacting with him, are investigated. As a criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of group activities, an integral assessment of the equivalent capacity of the group has been adopted.
Solving the problem of redistributing the flow of additional functional tasks, as well as part of the functions from one operator to another, due to its physiological, psychological characteristics and professional characteristics, which do not allow to fully solve the management tasks of complex technical control systems.
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