I.М. Lerner1, R.R. Fayzullin2, А.N. Khairullin3, D.V. Shushpanov4, V.I. Il’in5, I.V. Ryabov6
1–3 Kazan National Research Technical University A.N. Tupolev – KAI (Kazan, Russia)
4 St. Petersburg State University of Telecommunications. prof. M.A. Bonch-Bruevich (St. Petersburg, Russia)
5 Kazan (Privolzhsky) Federal University (Kazan, Russia)
6 Volga State Technological University (Yoshkar-Ola, Russia)
The method development that provides an increase in the specific capacity is one of the central problems of radio engineering and communication theory. At presents, the key factor that limits its solution at present is ISI produced by the frequency selectivity of a real composite communication channel.
To overcome this factor, the following classes of radio engineering information transmission systems are used: 1st class, in which information is transmitted in parallel and is implemented using the technology of multiplexing with orthogonal frequency division of channels and/or with space-time coding; 2) in which the transmission is carried out in a sequential manner, and the receiving of signals is carried out under conditions of ISI, including at information transfer rates higher than the Nyquist rate.
Despite the fact that at present the first class of systems has found wide application in the field of high-speed information transmission, it has a number of significant drawbacks in relation to the second systems class. At the same time, a number of results of the practical use of first-class systems indicate that their specific capacity limitation is about 4 bit/(Hz*s), which, taking into account the existing growth in the volume of transmitted information, becomes insufficient in the near future.
A retrospective analysis of methods for receiving and processing information in radio engineering data transmission systems with serial data in frequency-selective communication channels with ISI is carried out, It is made in order to develop approaches to increasing their specific capacity of such systems in modern conditions, that is, when they use PSK-n- and APSK-N-signals.
The results of solving the first of the tasks in the article, necessary to achieve the goal, are presented, related to the study of the functional complexity of the receiver, depending on the third form of implementation of the receiving devices. The results are presented in the form of listing their advantages and disadvantages, as well as restrictions on their application in real conditions. The third form of implementation consists in the use of two classes of methods, the first of which implements the optimal technique based on the Vitebri algorithm or the Klovsky-Nikolaev method and their modifications, the second class is channel equalization.
The practical significance of the obtained results lies in the determination of strict limitations of various forms of implementation of receivers operating under conditions of ISI in frequency selective communication channels, a critical analysis of the algorithms that implement them, and the formation of recommendations for their use.
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