A.B. Chkhindjeria1, S.A. Tsurkov2, O.V. Tikhonenkova3, A.S. Danilova4
1 St. Petersburg State University of Aerospace Instrumentation (St. Petersburg, Russia)
To date, the only way to measure the heights of objects moved vertically using lifting mechanisms is to use incremental or absolute encoders, the revolutions of which are recalculated into the length of the chain and the height of the lifting object. Equipping lifting mechanisms with encoders significantly increases the cost of these mechanisms and requires computer control systems for their use.
Purpose of work. Development of an alternative method for measuring the heights of objects moved vertically using lifting mechanisms.
The article describes an alternative method for measuring the heights of moving objects and a microcomputer system implementing this method using laser altimeters.
The creation of a system for measuring heights by an alternative method makes it possible to completely eliminate the use of encoders in GPM, significantly reduce the cost of synchronous height control, which opens the way to mass use of the method not only in cultural and sports institutions, but also in all other institutions and facilities where lifting mechanisms are used that are not equipped with encoders.
Chkhindjeria A.B., Tsurkov S.A., Tikhonenkova O.V., Danilova A.S. Multipoint horizontal synchronization system for vertical object movement. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 12. P. 66–71. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20700784-202212-09 [in Russian]
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