V.G. Kalashnikov1, L.A. Morozova2, S.V. Savel’ev3
1 FAO 25 State Research Institute of Chemmotology of the Ministry of Defense of the RF (Moscow, Russia)
1,2 Fryazino Branch Kotelnikov Institute of Radioengineering and Electronics of RAS (Moscow, Russia)
One of the directions in the study of the basic principles of the life of biological organisms is associated with conducting experiments and building, based on their results, theories on the interaction of electromagnetic fields with solutions of substances. The primary role here is occupied by the interaction of electromagnetic signals of nonthermal intensity with aqueous solutions of a great variety of substances and their concentrations. These experiments contributed to the understanding of the mechanisms of self-organization of protein bodies and the study of interactions between living organisms and inanimate nature.
One of the primary tasks in such studies has always been the creation of sources of electromagnetic signals with special values of their parameters. This paper presents the results of a study of such a magnetic field concentrator source, the design of which contains neither metals, nor active elements, nor power sources. According to the authors of the invention, the magnetic field concentrator is designed to create a directed electromagnetic field of non-thermal intensity with a value several times greater than the average electromagnetic background in the direction of the device axis. The signal of the magnetic field concentrator was measured along the instrument axis at frequencies of 1; 42,25; 61,2; 98 and 150 GHz using ultra-high sensitivity radiometer receivers. The radiometers had the following characteristics: the accuracy of setting and maintaining the local oscillator frequency of 125 MHz; input operating frequency band not more than 110 MHz; fluctuation sensitivity is not more than 0,2 K at a time constant of 1 sec, the minimum power value was not more than 5,2∙10-16 W. The experiments performed showed that the signal from the output of the magnetic field concentrator is an ultra-wide spectrum electromagnetic signal in the form of antinodes of the electromagnetic field gradually decreasing in power with a step of 488 mm, counting from the end of the device.
As part of the work, measurements of radio brightness contrasts of samples of Na2SO4 and K2SO2 solutions were carried out. Measurements of radio brightness contrasts were carried out before and during exposure to the signal of the magnetic field concentrator. Based on the values of radio brightness contrasts, the value of the absorption coefficient was determined. Control measurements were carried out for water samples. The fixed change in the values of the absorption coefficients of solutions at low concentrations of sulfates showed that the values increase monotonically with decreasing concentration, significantly differing from water. Under the action of a magnetic field concentrator, the values of the absorption coefficients of solutions increase. The results indicate the cooperative interaction of ions and water molecules, and the ion-water cooperative interaction in aqueous solutions of the studied substances captures a significant number of water molecules, exceeding the first hydration layer. The signal of the concentrator, acting on the sample solutions, partially destroys the hydrate layer, as a result of which the integral number of water molecules involved in cooperative movement with the ions of the base substance decreases. A decrease in unidirectional dipoles of water molecules due to the action of ions leads to an increase in the absorption coefficients of the studied solutions.
Kalashnikov V.G., Morozova L.A., Savel’ev S.V. Impact of electromagnetic ultra-broadband oscillations on aqueous solutions of sulfates. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2022. V. 76. № 11. P. 17–24. DOI: https://doi.org/ 10.18127/j20700784-202211-02
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