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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2021 г.
Article in number:
The main patterns and prospects for development aviation aiming and navigation systems
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202101-02
UDC: 623.4.25

A.M. Krasnov¹

1 ZAO «Technological Park of Cosmonautics «LINKOS» (Moscow, Russia)


Based on the analysis of the general patterns of development of automated control systems, the main patterns of the development of aviation aiming and navigation systems (AANS) in the directions of their integration, automation, optimization and unification are considered. The prospects for the development of AANS in the indicated directions are determined.

The aim of the article is to develop a concept for the construction of advanced integrated interactive aviation sighting and navigation systems. Integrated interactive AANS operate under conditions of a priori uncertainty and in the process of functioning automatically adapt to unforeseen changes in the structure and properties of AANS and the external environment. The integrated interactive AANS provides for operational adaptation to changing the composition of information sources, as well as ensuring the unification of algorithmic support for both various tasks solved by the AANS, and different classes of AANS installed on various types of aircraft (AC). This is a fertile ground for building highly reliable AANS that provide the required aiming accuracy.

A holistic concept has been developed for the construction of advanced integrated interactive aviation sighting and navigation systems. The proposed concept is a set of interrelated principles based on the methodology of system analysis and synthesis, modern achievements in the field of aviation science, engineering, technology, including: new principles of AANS integration, based on integration not only at the level of onboard equipment and algorithms, but also at the level control tasks for aircraft and weapons as a single purposeful multi-stage dynamic system with a variable structure; new principles of building integrated interactive AANS, implementing the concept of optimal automation; new principles for organizing the use of AANS, based on the optimal choice of weapons in an attack and the distribution of combat functions between the aircraft and weapons; new principles for constructing a unified algorithmic support for AANS, based on the use of methods of the theory of multistage dynamical systems, the theory of systems with a random structure, observation control methods, methods of statistical analysis and synthesis of algorithms for optimal control and filtering, taking into account the errors of their implementation in the BCVS; new principles for determining the structure of the computing system and organizing the solution of problems based on the optimal planning of the computing process in multiprocessor BCVS; new principles of building a human-machine interface based on a rational combination of natural and artificial intelligence; new principles of ensuring the reliability and survivability of systems based on methods for constructing fault-tolerant algorithms, optimal control of the state of the system and its dynamic reconfiguration; new principles of forming the appearance of the AANS, based on the optimization of its structure and parameters within the generalized system «object − environment», and on this basis the presentation of requirements for information, executive and computing subsystems.

The title of the concept contains key words that reflect two fundamental concepts that underlie the formation of the appearance of the AANS of promising aircraft − integration and interactivity (mutual activity of a person and the «aircraft − weapon» system).

Integration is manifested in the integration of tasks, in the complex receipt and processing of information, in the integration of algorithms and aircraft onboard equipment.

The active inclusion of human intelligence in the aircraft and weapons control system, the optimal distribution of functions between the crew and the AANS, the creation of a new man-machine interface − this is the second main direction in the development of promising AANS.

The central place in the considered concept is occupied by the principle of system analysis and synthesis of AANS application processes. The implementation of this principle provides a methodologically correct choice of a system of performance criteria for the analysis and synthesis of the AANS, an agreed system of mathematical models for describing the processes of its functioning, a reasonable justification of tactical and technical requirements.

The use of modern AANS is carried out in intensive fire, information and maneuvering enemy countermeasures. In these conditions, the effective execution of tasks will be possible if their algorithmic support is built taking into account the principle of adaptation and resistance to resistance.

The theoretical basis for the implementation of the above principles and the concept as a whole are fundamental and applied results obtained in recent years. First of all, these should include:

  • the theory of multistage dynamic systems and methods for controlling the final state of the «aircraft − weapons» system;
  • theory of systems with a random structure and methods of algorithmic protection of AANS from functional disorders;
  • methods of optimization of the computational process in multiprocessor BCVS and numerical methods for accelerated solution of combat missions;
  • theory and methods of optimization of the structure of information management systems;
  • methods of optimal automation of information and control systems;
  • mathematical methods and models for evaluating the effectiveness and optimization of conditions for the combat use of aircraft weapons systems.

The practical significance lies in the fact that the implementation of the concept of building integrated interactive AANS makes it possible to successfully solve many problems of creating and mastering new generations of aviation equipment at all stages of the life cycle, since these AANS allow: to significantly expand the range of conditions for using aircraft; provide a comprehensive optimization of estimates of the phase coordinates of the aircraft and the attacked target; significantly reduce the time, material and labor costs for the operation of the AANS (docking, tuning, adjustment); significantly increase the survivability of the AANS in conditions of possible combat damage due to functional redundancy. The proposed concept of building integrated interactive AANS is focused on the creation of so-called open architecture systems that are well adapted to all stages of the life cycle. At the same time, the most important property is laid in the created system already at the initial stages of development − the possibility of modernization during operation. 

Pages: 36-51
For citation

Krasnov A.M. The main patterns and prospects for the development of aviation sighting and navigation systems. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2021. V. 75. №. P. 3651. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202101-02 (in  Russian).

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Date of receipt: 26.10.2020
Approved after review: 30.11.2020
Accepted for publication: 10.12.2020