V.S. Verba – Assoc. Member of the RAS, Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation,
Designer General,
JSC «Radio Engineering Corporation «VEGA»
V.I. Merkulov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Honoured Scientist of the Russian Federation, Deputy Designer General, JSC «Radio Engineering Corporation «VEGA»
E-mail: from_fn@mail.ru
А.S. Pljashechnik – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Leading Research Scientist,
JSC «Radio Engineering Corporation «VEGA» E-mail: a_plyashechnik@mail.ru
Modern radio-electronic control systems (RESU), in which control and information subsystems function together, on the basis of information extracted from radio signals, in the course of their functioning must satisfy various, often contradictory requirements. At the same time, these requirements reflect not only the specifics of the functioning of the RESU at various stages, but also the specifics of the used perfection indicators: combat effectiveness, survivability, dynamism, information content, often contradicting each other.
In turn, the problem of resource management of RESU, starting from the selection of the most adequate information sensors to the selection of weapons, also presents a multi-alternative problem. That is, the optimization of RESU is a multi-criteria task that still does not have a clear unambiguous solution.
In this regard, the development of multi-criteria optimization techniques, taking into account the specifics of the RESU operation, is highly relevant.
The purpose of the work is to consider approaches to solving the problem of multicriteria optimization of electronic control systems taking into account modern requirements using the general theory of solving multicriteria problems.
The paper considers the directions of the development of electronic control systems, requiring a multi-criteria approach, the general principles of multi-criteria optimization in analog and discrete problems. The algorithms for their use are generalized. The main methods of multicriteria optimization of RESU are given.
Practical significance. The main directions of multicriteria optimization of electronic control systems are analyzed and the most acceptable of them are identified when they are reduced to the well-known methods of solving single-criterion problems.
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