N.M. Ashimov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Senior Lecturer,
Department of Combined Arms Academy of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
A.S. Vasin – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor,
Department of Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Tyumen)
E-mail: vasin1979@yandex.ru
P.G. Kusmishchev – Lecturer,
Department of Tyumen Higher Military Engineering Command School (Tyumen)
J.P. Aparina – Research Scientist,
Academy of the State Fire-Fighting Service Emergency of the Russian Federation (Moscow)
The theoretical substantiation of noticeable improvements in noise immunity of radio communication systems operating with binary signals frequency telegraphy in the transition from the scheme with their item processing to the processing circuit FT signals in whole through a transfer of the limiter in the input circuit is done, where this element plays a role of the calculator when it receiving the binary symbols combination. Here the limiter acts as part of the filter-limiter-filter circuit, performing other functions, in particular ensuring the independence of the probability of false reception of the signal from the level of interference at the input.
The comparative estimation of noise immunity of radio control lines working with signals of frequency telegraphy at element processing and processing as a whole of a binary signal is carried out. In radio control lines, the Neumann–Pearson criterion is applied and one of the parameters of the radio line is the noise immunity coefficient, which takes into account the ratio of the voltage taken in the 1 kHz band at the signal strength at the receiver input, at which a 50% probability of correct signal reception is obtained. The circuit of the decoding device during signal processing as a whole is somewhat complicated, mainly due to the use of random access memory (RAM), as well as due to the addition of a filter – limiter – filter circuit to the input circuit and the use of an analog-to-digital converter (ADC) before the decoding device. But calculations shows that the transition from element-wise processing of FT-signals to signal processing in whole accompanied by a significant increase of a noise immunity and noise stability of radio link. In our example, the growth of the noise immunity coefficient at n=100 is about 44%, at n=400 this growth is 24%, at n=1000 – about 20%.
Ashimov N.M., Vasin A.S., Kusmishchev P.G., Aparina J.P. General processing of multi-bit binary signals of frequency telegraphy in radio control lines. Achievements of modern radioelectronics. 2020. V. 74. № 7. P. 32–37. DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-202007-03. [in Russian]
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- Ashimov N.M., Aparina Yu.P., Vasin A.S. Poelementnaya obrabotka i obrabotka v tselom mnogorazryadnykh dvoichnykh signalov. Elektromagnitnye volny i elektronnye sistemy. 2017. № 6. S. 58–63. [in Russian]
- Patent RF № 133671. Ustroystvo dekodirovaniya dvoichnykh mnogorazryadnykh signalov pri ikh obrabotke v tselom. Ashimov N.M., Rusanov V.A., Aparina Yu.P., Kim A.R. Prioritet ot 15.02.2013. [in Russian]