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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №8 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Methods for assessing the effectiveness of the positioning of surface ships by the RTR aircraft station under the conditions of application of radio-electronic secrecy measures
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201908-05
UDC: 621.396

Yu.P. Melnikov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist,

Research Management SIC Central Research Institute of the Air Force Russian Defense Ministry of Russia (St. Petersburg) E-mail: ypursul@gmail.com


The staged section of the article discusses the content of the terms «secrecy» and «radio-electronic secrecy». The dynamics of  values is noted: at first they belonged to active radar, then to the carriers of these radars. This article explores the radio-electronic secrecy of an aviation complex equipped with an electronic reconnaissance station (RTR), which solves the task of targeting tactical anti-ship missiles (RCC) operating on combat surface ships, using as a measure of secrecy minimizing the operating time for radiation, the so-called «pause» mode .

Lists the conditions for success in solving the task of target designation, including determining the coordinates of the target in a short time with high accuracy. We consider the secrecy of the radar – the goal of the aircraft itself – the carrier of target designation equipment – station RTR. The experimental dependences of the attenuation of radio signals on the distance at the first 40…50 kilometers beyond the radio horizon in the so-called «penumbra» zone, where the RTR station has informational superiority over the  active radar of the enemy, are given. In order to permanently stay in this zone, the typical flight mode of an aircraft (LA) should be a flight in the direction of the radar station – a target along a descending trajectory, controlled by information from the onboard station RTR.

To determine the coordinates of the target by the RTR station, two methods are considered: a – multiple direction finding from one aircraft during base flight Lb, perpendicular to the direction to the target, and b – synchronous direction finding from two aircraft spaced at base Lb. Relations and graphical dependencies are given to determine the effectiveness of target designation – the probability of covering a target with a detection zone of an autonomous homing device in the form of a square, a circle or a strip.  A numerical example of calculation is given according to the ratios and graphs given in the article.

Pages: 60-67
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Date of receipt: 28 марта 2019 г.