A.E. Guzeev – Lecturer,
Krasnodar Higher Military Aviation School of Pilots named after AK Serov (Krasnodar) E-mail: gusofka@rambler.ru
The rapid development of aviation, the increase in speeds and altitudes of flight, the expansion of the range of its tasks, places high demands on the air navigation crew at all stages of flight. At the same time, the requirements of high precision of control when taking the aircraft to a given area of space determined by the glide path, the dynamics of the landing process, the small dimensions of the landing deck, and the severe restrictions on shock loads at the moment of the deck contact with waves and agitation are imposed on the crew of the aircraft. All this in its entirety significantly increases the psycho-physiological tension of both the crew as a whole and the crew members individually. These facts adversely affect the safety of the landing stage of the aircraft.
One of the ways to solve the problem of increasing flight safety, ensuring all-weather use of deck aircraft and reducing landing deck requirements is automatic control at the landing stage.
In this case, the automation of landing on an aircraft carrier is the only possible way to solve the existing problem of ensuring the landing safety.
At present, the existing instrumental landing systems of the aircraft have a common significant drawback, namely, the impossibility of providing the crew with highly accurate information about the position of the aircraft and the pitching parameters during landing. In the interests of resolving these contradictions, the author has developed a mathematical apparatus for solving the problem of determining the spatial and angular position of an aircraft at the stage of deck landing.
The article presents a developed mathematical apparatus for solving the problem of determining the spatial and angular position of an aircraft at the stage of deck landing, which allows determining the position of the aircraft relative to the landing deck and the aircraft carrier rocking parameters, based on recording the radiation of laser beacons, processing their digitized image in optical-location units and calculation of the coordinates of the location of the aircraft and parameters of the landing deck pitching.
In the presented mathematical apparatus, the author applies the provisions of vector algebra, mathematical analysis and geometry.
- Pavlenko V.F. Korabel'nye samolety. M.: Voenizdat. 1990. [in Russian]
- Guzeev A.E. Sintez upravleniya posadkoy samoleta v nespokoynoy atmosphere. Sb. statey «Trudy Akademii. NTS VAS». Krasnodar. 2013. № 82. [in Russian]
- Patent № 2408848 RF. MPK7 G 01S2120. Sposob opredeleniya kachki avianostsa i mestopolozheniya letatel'nogo apparata i ustroystvo dlya ego osushchestvleniya / Bondarev V.G., Bondarev V.V., Bondarev M.V., Guzeev A.E. Zayavl. 02.02.2010. [in Russian]
- Konotop V.I., Guzeev A.E., Ippolitov S.V. Algoritm opredeleniya prostranstvennogo i uglovogo polozheniya LA otnositel'no VPP s ispol'zovaniem trekh istochnikov izlucheniya // Sb. dokl. Vseross. nauch.-tekhnich. shkoly-seminara «Peredacha, obrabotka i otobrazhenie informatsii pri bystroprotekayushchikh protsessakh». RARAN. Oktyabr' 2005. g. Sochi. M.: RPA «APR». 2006. [in Russian]
- Bordiyan R.N., Kartashev M.N. Obosnovanie ispol'zovaniya optiko-elektronnoy sistemy v kachestve izmeritel'noy sistemy opredeleniya prostranstvennogo i uglovogo polozheniya samoleta // Sb. mater. II Mezhdunar. nauch. konf. «TTS-11». Krasnodar: 2010. [in Russian]