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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2019 г.
Article in number:
Thin-film tiny resistive loading for integrated circuit microwave oven with the increased pulse power
Type of article: scientific article
DOI: 10.18127/j20700784-201905-02
UDC: 621.375.018.756

A.S. Belov – First Deputy General Director, 

JSC «NPO «Radioelektronika» named after V.I. Shimko

E-mail: fnpcshimko@mail.ru

V.I. Kryuchatov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory of Department of the Chief Technologist, JSC «NPO «Radioelektronika» named after V.I. Shimko

E-mail: kryuchatov1948@mail.ru


Production of pulse microwave devices with a pulse power of 2…5 kW on the basis of thin-film microstrip lines and resistive thin-film loadings with the dimensions set according to the specification was impossible because of refusal of resistive loadings at tests of the equipment. Therefore there was a current problem of creation of the thin-film coordinated resistive loadings with the increased pulse power.

Article is devoted to development of a design, technology and a method of calculation of the coordinated thin-film resistive loadings for creation of the highly reliable microstrip pulse microwave devices with a pulse power up to 2…5 kW working at frequencies of decimeter range.

The idea of design of loading has evolved from pilot study of physics of refusals of resistive loadings which has shown that at influence of the pulse microwave oven of power the microwave oven the crown category arising on microedges of a resistive film is the main reason for failure of loadings on polikorovy substrates.

For an exception of emergence crown at dispersion by the resistor powerful a surface and edges of a resistive film it is offered to category microwave oven to cover the impulse microwave oven from the bringing microstrip line with a dielectric film, for example from Si3N4 which thickness much more height of roughnesses of a surface of a substrate.

The manufacturing techniques of loadings with a covering from Si3N4 are based on application of a method of an explosive photolithography with use of a contact mask with structure of layers of V-Cuv-Cug-Nig.

When developing a technique of constructive calculation of the coordinated resistive loadings the resistor is considered as MPL with a strip of zero thickness. Therefore the sizes of the resistor count for ensuring coordination of resistive loading with the bringing line, the thermal mode for the average power and ensuring reliability at influence of pulse power. For ensuring reliability of resistors at influence of pulse power the area of the resistor calculates taking into account the statistical data on extreme specific pulse power received by the author experimentally.

Pages: 20-24
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Date of receipt: 22 сентября 2018 г.