A.S. Belov – First Deputy General Director,
JSC «NPO «Radioelektronika» named after V.I. Shimko
E-mail: fnpcshimko@mail.ru
V.I. Kryuchatov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Head of Laboratory of Department of the Chief Technologist, JSC «NPO «Radioelektronika» named after V.I. Shimko
E-mail: kryuchatov1948@mail.ru
Article is devoted to the theoretical analysis of a thermal operating mode of the coordinated thin-film resistive loadings used in microstrip pulse microwave devices with a pulse power up to 2…5 kW working at frequencies of decimeter range.
The analysis of the thermal mode is carried out at influence of single impulses to 3 kW for resistors from chrome and 15 kW for the resistors from tantalum located on polikorovy substrates.
On the basis of the theoretical analysis it is shown that the failure of resistors because of overheating owing to accumulation in a resistive film of thermal energy at influence of impulses of big power for the studied range is improbable as temperature of resistors at the pulse power up to 3 kW for resistors from chrome and up to 8 kW for resistors from tantalum doesn't exceed the most admissible much less than temperature of melting of material of resistive films. Therefore the crown category arising on microedges of a resistive film is the microwave oven the main reason for failure of thin-film resistive loadings on polikorovy substrates.
In article recommendations about design of the coordinated resistive loadings with the increased pulse power are made:
- application of substrates with high heat conductivity;
- decrease in roughness of substrates;
- covering of a surface and edges of a resistive film dielectric skin;
- increase in thickness of a resistive film;
- use of resistive materials with high temperature of melting;
- increase in the area of the resistor at preservation of coordination of loading with the bringing line.
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