S.А. Kleshnina – Post-graduate Student; Junior Research Scientist,
Siberian Federal University; Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: sofya.antipckina@yandex.ru
А.N. Babitskii – Leading Electronic Engineer,
Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
N.М. Boev – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Senior Lecturer; Research Scientist,
Siberian Federal University; Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: nik88@inbox.ru
А.V. Izotov – Ph.D. (Phys.-Math.), Associate Professor; Senior Research Scientist,
Siberian Federal University; Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: iztv@mail.ru;
А.V. Burmitskikh – Post-graduate Student; Junior Research Scientist,
Siberian Federal University; Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
E-mail: aburmitskikh@iph.krasn.ru;
А.А. Gorchakovsky – Assistent; Engineer,
Siberian Federal University; Institute of Physics. L.V. Kirensky SB RAS (Krasnoyarsk)
The introduction reveals the topicality of the development, due to the worldwide interest in thin films. Research and design which requires the use of reliable diagnostic methods, modern software and hardware. A new measuring complex of magnetic characteris tics of thin ferromagnetic films is proposed. It allows one to measure the distribution over the film area of the magnitude and direc tion of the anisotropy field.
The article presents the developed design of the complex for local measurements of the magnetic characteristics of ferromagnetic films and its structural scheme. Fanselau orthogonal coils and a five-coordinate displacement and rotation system are fixed on a common base. A thin magnetic film is placed on the measuring table. The measuring table has the possibility of two-coordinate movement and rotation. Due to this, it is set in such a way that the portion of the sample intended for measurements is on the axis of the sensing element. In turn, the sensitive element is exposed until it approaches the sample due to the possibility of movement along its axis.
The measurement procedure is described. It includes the following steps: measuring amplitude and angular dependencies; determi nation of the approximate value of the anisotropy field of the sample in the region of the studied area and its direction; determination of the exact value of the anisotropy field of the sample in the studied region; measuring the distribution of magnetic characteristics over the area of the sample.
The results of the measurements are presented. The experimentally obtained distribution of the anisotropy field over the area of the sample with dimensions of 60×40 mm is shown.
The technical result is the ability to conduct local measurements of the magnetic characteristics of thin-film ferromagnetic samples with high sensitivity due to measurements at frequencies of the microwave range.
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6. Patent USA №3254298 Instrument for measurement of thin magnetic film parameters. David M. Ellis, Malvern, Clifford J. Bader. May. 1966.