А.V. Broukhansky – Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Moscow Aviation Institute (National Research University) E-mail: a.v.brou@gmail.com
The effect of the parameters of the autofocusing algorithm for radar images based on the measurement of the average Doppler frequency on the quality of the images formed by the synthetic aperture radar is investigated. The study is carried out by the method of statistical modeling. Errors in estimating the radial velocity and acceleration provided by the micronavigation system are modeled. A criterion for the quality of focusing based on the proximity of the reference and synthesized images is proposed. Quantitative results of the dependence of the quality of the obtained images on the number of subintervals on which the trajectory signal of the synthesis interval are broken are obtained. As an example, it is noted that with a length of the synthesis interval equal to 200 periods of repetition of pulses, the best image quality is obtained by 20 subintervals of synthesis.
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