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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №4 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Synthesis associative network structure of an integrated navigation system with optimum information processing
V.S. Maryukhnenko - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Irkutsk State Transport University E-mail: viktor.maryuhnenko@yandex.ru V.V. Erokhin - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Irkutsk Branch of the Moscow State Technical University of Civil Aviation E-mail: ww_erohin@mail.ru
The perspective directions of enhancement the navigation system with information integration are explained. They are intended for information support of management systems of mobile vehicles. It is desirable to have efficiency of end-to-end navigation systems invariant to changes their structural (because of failures) and information opportunities. Requirements to perspective system of navigation of mobile vehicles are considered and justified. Importance of private indices of ef-ficiency is marked. They can have significant effect on system effectiveness because of existence of local extremums. Bases of neural network information processing are explained. Network approach with the associative information processing to structural synthesis of navigation systems with information integration is conceptually developed. Multi-level hierarchical processing of navigation signals and information is considered. Neural network, on the basis of dynamic associative storage devices, approach to structural synthesis of system of navigation provides a continuity and control accuracy with the vehicle according to beforehand given indices. At the same time this approach raises requirements to development of specific algorithms of integration of navigation systems and devices. This approach sets new tasks on algorithm elaboration for specific conditions of use of system. The triad structure of the perspective navigation system with information integration of the mobile vehicle is offered. It is synthesized, on the basis of methods of the theory of the linear optimum filtering, an algorithm of complex processing of navigation information. Simulation statistical modeling of an algorithm of optimum filtering the triad the navigation system with information integration is executed precision characteristics of the navigation system in different operating conditions are shown.
Pages: 18-29


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