350 rub
Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №10 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Algorithm of type radar identification with complicated timeand-frequency radiation structure
Type of article: scientific article
UDC: 621.396

V.F. Korotkov – Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Chief Designer of Projects, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petesburg) E-mail: diofant2912@mail.ru

A.V. Klishin – Junior Research Scientist, Military Academy of Signals named after Marshal of the Soviet Union S.M. Budyonny  (St. Petesburg)

E-mail: klishin84@gmail.com

D.V. Tsarik – Research Scientist, LTD «Special Technological Center» (St. Petesburg) E-mail: dvtsar@gmail.com


Advansed radar signal description model is suggested. It bases on basic pulse train with multivariate parameters. Algorithm of type radar identification which used intro-duced model is developed. The results of computer modeling is presente.

Pages: 31-36
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Date of receipt: 5 сентября 2017 г.