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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №1 for 2017 г.
Article in number:
Detection of low-contrast objectives
information processing system
fractal dimension
discrete region detection algorithm artificial objects
fractal underlying surface
low-contrast objects
M.H. Aksyaitov - Head of Department SPC JSC Concern «Granit-Electron»
E.V. Egorova - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Department of «Telecommunication systems», MIREA
E-mail: calipso575@gmail.com
N.V. Martynov - Leading Expert, FSUE VNIIA them. N.L. Dukhov
A.N. Rybakov - Leading Engineer, FSUE VNIIA them. N.L. Dukhov
The synthesis of the fractal detection of low-contrast procedures of extended objects. The problems of time-processing methods for detection and identification of fixed low-contrast objects in the background of the earth and the sea overness based on fractal cha-racteristics. Based on estimates of the fractal dimension is provided a method for detecting objects on remote sensing images. The evaluation of the effectiveness of the proposed procedure of detection-based simulation and real data. A comparative analysis of the proposed fractal and amplitude detectors on real data.
Pages: 23-26
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