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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №7 for 2016 г.
Article in number:
Electrically small antennas. Part 2
К.N. Klimov - Dr.Sc. (Eng.), Professor, Leading Research Scientist, JSC «LEMZ R&P Corp.». E-mail: const0@mail.ru
А.S. Godin - Engineer, JSC «LEMZ R&P Corp.». E-mail: andrey.godin@gmail.com
D.S. Gezha - Heads of Technical Departments, LLC «Metriktest». E-mail: dmitry.gez@gmail.com
Transceiver modules as airborne and terrestrial communications systems for different purposes are becoming increasingly miniaturized. That is why the size reduction of antenna systems is an extremely urgent task.
In the first part of this article have been considered the main restrictions on the parameters of electrically small antennas (ESA) and an overview of the main types of electrically small antennas: electric and magnetic dipoles and loops, monopole zigzag meander Wong-King, Best spirals on the sphere, loaded loop antennas and a folded monopoles, Goubau antenna, patch antennas with substrates from materials with a high dielectric and magnetic permeability including metaferrite substrate, sleeve and PIF antennas, loops antennas, vector sensor, antenna based on dielectric resonator, contrawound toroidal helix antenna, transmission line antennas, halo, hula hoop and DDRR antennas [1].
This article describes the following types of antennas: dielectric loaded antennas, meanderline antennas, cage monopole, crossed-field antenna, snyder dipole, loop-coupled loop antennas, multiarm dipole, complementary pair antenna, integrated antenna, antenna in a NIM shell (enviroments of Veselago), fractal antennas, antenna on a chip, random segment antennas, multiple multipoles, switched loop antenna, Thal antenna: one-turn helix on the sphere Chu, Gustafsson antenna.
Pages: 17-34
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