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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №10 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
The integrated voltage reference with a double stabilization and technology dispersion compensation
voltage reference
temperature compensation
the instability of the reference voltage MOSFET
dual stabilization
R.R. Fakhrutdinov - Design Engineer, Omsk State Technical University. E-mail: nopr_11@mail.ru
K.V. Murasov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Junior Research Scientist, Omsk State Technical University. E-mail: murasov_k@yahoo.com
R.A. Wolf - Junior Research Scientist, Omsk State Technical University. E-mail: 1986wolf@gmail.com
S.A. Zavyalov - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Omsk State Technical University. E-mail: zavyalov62@mail.ru
A.N. Lepetaev - Ph.D. (Eng.), Associate Professor, Omsk State Technical University. E-mail: lan@inbox.ru
Widespread bandgap voltage reference has a low thermal stability. For more temperature stability must be used high-order compen- sation. One method of compensation is summing first order compensated voltage from two sources having different output voltage dependence of temperature. The main disadvantage of the high orders compensated schemes is highly dependent quality of com- pensating voltage, and the temperature stability of the elements parameters, which can vary from instance to instance during manu- facture. Matching tuning is accomplished by changing the resistance of the resistor in one of the compensating voltage source. Typi- cal instability of bandgap is 130-170 ppm/ºC when changing the power supply voltage, so for changing supply voltage instability be comparable with temperature instability commensurate applied double stabilization. Thus, the output voltage instability, does not ex- ceed 1,5 ppm/ºC, in the temperature range - 40 ... 85º at a supply voltage of 1,8 ... 3,6 V.
Pages: 170-174
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