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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №5 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Preprocessing of depth map image
V.A. Franz, O.M. Levina, V.V. Voronin, R.A. Kozhin
Currently, computer vision systems are widely used in many fields of technology. The solution to many problems is simplified by using a depth map in addition to the two-dimensional image. The depth map is a two-dimensional single-channel image containing information on the distance from the plane of the sensor to the objects in the scene. Unfortunately, the data obtained from the sensor, usually contain some defects that make the big error in the estimation of the distance to the object.
An algorithm of automatic data preprocessing depth map that allows to detect and recover most of the defects present in the depths of the original map. To find the damaged sections of depth map is proposed to use the morphological «Top-hat transformation» and to restore the depth map reconstruction method «Fast Marching». Provides an assessment of the effectiveness of image processing algorithm to test image processing example test sequences from the sensor Kinect.
Pages: 39-43
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