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Journal Achievements of Modern Radioelectronics №6 for 2012 г.
Article in number:
Method of image reconstruction using cubic spline-based edge interpolation of objects boundaries
V.V. Voronin
An automated restoration of the areas with the lost pixels is it one of problem of image processing. This problem is particularly acute in the implementation of automatic processing of two-dimensional signals from the CCD in digital cameras and machine vision.
In this paper an image inpainting approach based on the construction of a composite curve for the restoration of the edges of objects in an image using the concepts of parametric and geometric continuity is presented. A tensor analysis is used for classification of texture and non texture regions. After edge restoration stage, a texture restoration based on exemplar based method is carried out. It finds the best matching patch from another source region and copies it into the damaged region. For non texture regions a Telea method is applied.
Pages: 26-30
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