350 rub
Journal №1 for 2010 г.
Article in number:
The Quality Test of Dielectric Layers of Integrated Circuits and Products of Microsystem Engineering
V.V. Andreev, А.А. Stolyarov, D.S. Vasjutin, A.M. Mikhal'kov
Now the role of processes in the MOS-structures connected with influence of high-fields increases. Injection of "hot" carriers ¬ in dielectric films of MOS-structures in such fields leads to change of a dielectric charge state, to increase of interface states density on the semiconductor-dielectric interface, to activate degradation processes in electricity active defects. Occurrence ¬ of new requirements to gate dielectric and necessity of revealing of potentially unreliable structures at early stages of technological process demands perfection of methods of the operational control of formation gate dielectric. In the given work application in the operational test gate dielectric of MOS-structures with the raised injection firmness of the controlled current stress technique, based on the analysis of time dependence of voltage on structure is considered at giving on it current stress. Necessity of the uniform approach to studying of characteristics local heterogeneity dielectric and interfaces of the MOS-structures causing decrease of isolating properties and charging stability and defining substantially quality of dielectric layers, reliability MOS-IC and products of microsystem engineering is proved. Thus, the interrelation of processes of carrying over of a charge in nanosize dielectric layers with the phenomena of charging instability in local heterogeneity dielectric and interfaces of the MOS-structures predetermines necessity of the uniform approach to their studying with use of one method. The joint control with application of an injection controlled current stress technique of deficiency of isolation and charging stability of dielectric layers at working off of new design-technological variants the MOS-IC and products of microsystem engineering and at the analysis of quality of technological process of reception gate dielectric in the conditions of manufacture opens new possibilities of substantial improvement of quality of dielectric layers and increase of their stability to current stress, a static electricity, electronic and radiating influences.
Pages: 44-52
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