350 rub
Journal №1 for 2015 г.
Article in number:
Aspects of Vietman selenium satus
N.A. Golubkina - Dr. Sc. (Agricul.), Agrochemical Research Center All Russian Institute of vegetable breeding and seeds production (Moscow region). E-mail: segolubkina@rambler.ru
Cao Thi Hue - Ph.D. (Biol.), Institute of Marine Biochemistry, Vietnam Academy of Science and Technology (Hanoi, Vietnam)
N.V. Lobus - Ph.D. (Biol.), Institute of Oceanology, Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow) M.J. Karapun - Research Scientist, Astrakhan State Technical University
L.P. Voronina - Ph.D. (Biol.), Lomonosov Moscow State University
Polymicroelementoses of the Vietnamese population, environmental pollution by heavy metals in the South of the country and the near vicinity of selenium deficient endemic regions of China in the North supposes the necessity of the detailed selenium status investigation The aim of the present work was the determination of selenium accumulation levels in the main components of selenium food chain transfer: soil, rice, fish and human hair. Appropriate samples were gathered in 20122013, selenium concentration was determined fluorimetrically. More than 60% of soil samples happened to have selenium concentrations less than recommended for successive growth of agricultural crops  120 µg/kg. Selenium content in samples of rice was in the range (26-65.5) µg/kg, muscle tissues of fresh-water fish  (400-1800) µg/kg of dry weight. Mean selenium content in hair of Hanoi residents was 259±49 µg/kg. The results indicate the existence of significant selenium deficiency in the Southern and Middle regions of Vietnam and also in the population of Hanoi. Marginal deficiency of the element was demonstrated on the Northern coast of the South-China Sea.
Pages: 38-42


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