350 rub
Journal №8 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
Androgen metabolism in bone tumors
W.G. Degtiar - Ph.D. (Chem.), Leading Research Scientist, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow, Russia)
N.E. Kushlinskii - Dr.Sc. (Med.), Professor, Russian Cancer Research Center of N.N. Blokhin Russian Academy of Medical Sciences (Moscow, Russia). E-mail: biochimia@mtu-net.ru
Measurement of activity of main androgen metabolism enzymes in soluble fraction of bone tumors with different histology. Activity of 5α-R, 17β-HSD, 3β-HSD and 3α-HSD were measured in soluble fraction of bone tumors of 49 both sex patients with different age. Activity of 5α-R in soluble fractions of malignant tumors with different histology and benign tumors did not differ reliably. Activity of 17β-HSD in soluble fractions of all bone types was most low than the one for other enzymes but in Ewing tumor activity of 17β-HSD was differ reliably from activity in gigantocell tumor (р=0,01) and osteosarcoma (р=0,03). In all tumors 3α-HSD activity was higher than the one of other enzymes and 3β-HSD activity was higher reliably in Ewing tumors than in chondrosarcoma (р=0,0002) but there were no differences in other tumors. Activities of main androgen metabolism enzymes in soluble fraction of bone tumors do not differ essentially with elimination of 17β-HSD which activity was essentially lower than other enzymes. In soluble fractions of parostal osteosarcoma activity of all measured enzymes was always lower than in other tumors.
Pages: 30-36

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