350 rub
Journal №11 for 2014 г.
Article in number:
About need of the teaching to medical chemistry in pharmaceutical institute of the Russian Federation
S.V. Pechinsky - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Senior Lecturer, Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of SEI HPE Volgograd state medical university. E-mail: hplc@yandex.ru
A.G. Kuregyan - Ph.D. (Pharm.), Professor, Department of Pharmaceutical and Toxicological Chemistry, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute - a branch of SEI HPE Volgograd state medical university. E-mail: Kooreguan@mail.ru
Modern educational technology higher education must promptly respond to ongoing changes in basic science, which lead to the emergence of new specialized disciplines. Actions of the federal state educational standards of higher education in the relevant specialty do not allow changing list of basic disciplines and competencies. Amendments to the list of possible subjects for level and within the variable part of the curriculum of training, which is developed independently and educational institutions can not yet be harmonized between institutions. Recently, considerable attention is paid to the development of methods in siliсo, allowing to assess the properties of chemical compounds based on the structure, even before their synthesis and testing laboratories. By the definition of IUPAC, medicinal chemistry - a field of science, «related to the identification, development, identification and investigation of the mechanism of action of biologically active compounds at the molecular level». For these purposes now are widely used methods of investigation of the quantitative relationship between the structure of substances and their properties and biological activity - Quantitative Structure-Property/Activity Relation-ships, as well as technology ADMET. Only a pharmacist combines integrated knowledge in the field of organic and pharmaceutical chemistry and pharmacology, biochemistry and toxicology, due set of competences in the specialty «Pharmacy». Тhe introduction of a new discipline «Medical Chemistry» in the Federal State Educational Standard new generation of training in the specialty «Pharmacy», qualification «Pharmacist» is relevant and necessary.
Pages: 56-59
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