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Journal №8 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Predicted and experimentally revealed antioxidant activity of alkylresorcinols
I.V. Gryazeva, O.K. Davydova, D.G. Deryabin, T.G. Sviridova, A.P. Sviridov
Qualitative and quantitative parameters of antioxidant activity of alkylresorcinols (ARs) ? chemically synthesized analogs of plant and microbic phenolic lipids were investigated in in silico and in vitro models. With the use of the «Microcosm» information technology, realizing an integrated approach to the QSAR («structure - activity») analysis, high level of antioxidant activity was predicted for five ARs and further was experimentally confirmed for three of them. In non-ferment system of superoxide-anion photochemical induction the anti-radical activity is established for long-chain С6-AR and С12-AR which are oxidized to products with 475-550 nanometers absorption maxima. In ferment «peroxidase-H2O2-lyuminol» system the most expressed antioxidant activity was shown for the short-chain С1-AR, acting as oxidizing enzymes inhibitor. Thereby, our results testified that alkylresorcinols have two types of antioxidant activity, essentially depending on hydrocarbonic (alkyl) radical length. This result defined prospect of the further structural analysis of ARs molecules for searching their antioxidant determinants, also as testifying expediency of compositions from short- and long-chain AR homologues as a base for antioxidant activity potentiation.
Pages: 41-46

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