350 rub
Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Trace element and antioxidant status of rats with polyhypovitaminosis
V.M. Kodentsova, O.A. Vrzhesinskaya, N.A. Beketova, S.Kh. Soto, Z.V. Karagodina, V.V. Bessonov
Some trace element and antioxidant status indicators (lipid peroxidation indexes, vitamin C liver level, blood plasma level of low molecular weight antioxidant compounds) have been determined in rats treated with deep combined deficit of vitamins which was caused by 28-days feeding of Wistar male rats (with an initial body mass 70-80 g) with a semisynthetic diet containing 1/5 part of the level of water- and fat-soluble vitamins in sufficient ration. Compared with the control group, deep combined deficit of vitamins led to a deterioration of rat antioxidant status. Lipid peroxidation increased while vitamin-antioxidant content fell. Plasma malondialdehyde increased 1.15-fold and liver malondialdehyde elevated 2.4-fold. Vitamin E concentration lowed 1.4-fold in blood plasma and 1.8-fold in liver. Vitamin A decreased 1.8-fold in blood plasma and 8.6-fold in liver. The decrease of vitamin C liver level amounted to 21.5%, and reduction of blood plasma uric acid level amounted to 30 %. Despite of adequate content of all minerals in rat diet polyhypovitaminosis was accompanied by mineral metabolism change. Iron content had the tendency to 1.3-fold increase in liver, and it significantly 1.3-fold increased in blood plasma. Simultaneously a decrease of blood plasma potassium level amounted to 5 % and a tendency to reduce copper liver content by 31 % and phosphorus blood plasma by 6 % took place. The data obtained justify the need to maintain optimal vitamin status. This can be considered as part of prevention of diseases in promotion of which uncontrolled peroxidation has been suggested to be one of the main determinants.
Pages: 64-68
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