350 rub
Journal №2 for 2013 г.
Article in number:
Antioxidant content in medicinal plants and vegetables with therapeutic potential for treating cancer
M.S. Gins, V.K. Gins, A.A. Baikov, A.M. Rabinovich, P.F. Kononkov, M.K. Solntsev
A flow-injection system with amperometric detection allowed to quickly measure the total antioxidant content in medicinal plants including vegetables. Leaves with a fully matured plate accumulate antioxidants more than young developing leaves in the studied samples, except geraniums. Diverse resistance of pool antioxidants was found in aqueous and alcoholic extracts of medicinal and vegetable plants to extreme temperatures and molecular oxygen, which, apparently, can be explained by differences in the antioxidant composition of the extractables. With a method of high temperature thermoluminescence (HTL) it was confirmed that antioxidants involved in the reaction electrochemical oxidation in a model system exhibiting antioxidant activity in native leaves. Comparison of the lipid peroxidation of thylakoid membranes and the total content of antioxidants in the leaves of different ages showed an inverse relationship between the intensity of high temperature thermoluminescence and total antioxidant content.
Pages: 10-15
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